Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Every day is a blessing. If you get to spend it with a friend, how much greater the blessing?! Sid lives across the street and he and his wife often come to "chew the fat". Sid even made a wooden bench for Dutch to sit on while they chat.

As we approach the gift giving season and we all worry about how much money we don't have to spend on gifts, it occur ed to me that our most precious gift is that of our time and of ourselves. What is more important in our day?

At church I am surrounded by friends who show their love in so many ways and who take time out of their busy schedules to pray for us! What a huge gift!

Changing Things

Halloween for this year has come and gone, but I did want to share what we did. I don't like Halloween. No matter what the origins and no matter how cute the little kids are in their costumes, knowing all of the sinister things that go with it or that it has turned into, just really turns me off.
I don't like skeletons and ghosts and weird sounds and all of that.
Our pastor suggested that instead of turning our backs on Halloween, we should use the opportunity for good. He suggested that we get out into our front yards to give out the candy and get to know our neighbors and turn it into a time of fellowship.
So this year again, we did just that. I hauled our lawn chairs from the back yard into our driveway and set up a table with hot cider and hot coffee and baked a few batches of cookies. I put a bunch of candles on a rack (securely in glass containers so we wouldn't accidentally start a fire) to shed some light on the scene. We were blessed with a balmy evening but it would have worked in the cold as well....
The neighbors came and we had a great time with each other as well as all of the folks who came trick-or-treating.

Jesus replied, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the other commands and all the demands of the Prophets are based on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:37,39-40

Monday, November 10, 2008

To Plan or Not to Plan.....

OK, so I was looking for a picture of a bathroom but I can only find this one of our broken toilet.
When I talk about planning I mean Dutch's future care needs. When we were caring for his mother, we ripped out the shower in the downstairs bathroom and put in a better one, complete with a seat for her to sit on, handle bars to grab on to and a shower curtain rather than doors so we could help her better. When my brother was caring for our mother, he too was making changes to the bathroom to accommodate her needs.
Sounds like a good plan, doesn't it? Not to my husband it doesn't!! At this point he doesn't see the need. Planning for more dependency takes away hope. So I fly by his wingtip, trusting that God will do the planning for me and that it will fall into place when the time comes. The Lord is my refuge and my strength. In whom then shall I be afraid..... (I add: of WHAT then shall I be afraid...)

Count your Blessings, count them one by one...

It's almost been a year since our kids moved to Kansas City. We miss them a whole lot, but we are happy that they are happy and that they love where they are.

I am thankful to still have Dutch with me. Our time is measured and becomes more precious each day.

I'm thankful for our staff who make it possible for us to be home with each other by taking care of everything business related.

I'm thankful for friends and family who help, encourage and support us in every way.

Most of all, I'm thankful to the Lord, for strength and faith and guidance and hope for each day.

How blessed we are!

Store Sale

In August we had yet another party interested in buying our store. The excitement has been great ever since because there is hope that the store will go on and you will continue to have a place to come for the best in yarns, for fellowship and for learning.

It is now November and we are not a single step closer to knowing what will happen. This is a huge lesson in patience and about God's timing. All I know is that His timing is perfect.

Perception and Understanding

While Niqua was out for a visit, I was happy that we had a doctor's appointment at Scripps. I wanted her to see where everything is and how it works and to get to meet at least one of the doctors. We met with the doctor who put in the heart stents a few weeks back.

I am always careful to make sure I understand everyting correctly and am known for having my notebook out so I can make notes and I am not shy about asking questions just to make sure I get it right.

The question came up if and when Dutch should have the hole in his heart repaired. Niqua got into the conversation just to make sure that SHE understood. When we left and talked about what just happened, we both had a very different recollection about what the doctor had just said. Go figure!! One thing is for sure: Dutch has an appointment on Decmeber 1st for an Angiogram to check on his stents. While in there, they may also have a look at the one arterie that is still blocked but has not yet been fixed. The question on the table is, should the hole be fixed and should the arterie be fixed, given the advanced stage of his liver disease.

While we were there, we talked to the nurse in the Gastrologist's office. Dutch had some questions and she took a lot of time trying to answer them. The one that is always foremost on his mind, is why he is not a candidate for a liver transplant. I know they call this the bargaining stage of grief, but it's hard to hear your husband plead for his life.

Happy Birthday, Dutch

So Dutch gave up having birthdays 10 years ago when he had his ultimate birthday present: our Granddaughter! Yes, that's right. Niqua had asked Dutch what he wanted for his birthday and he said: well you could have that baby early.... and she did!!

Niqua was out for a visit recently so we all went shopping. No, not for Dutch of course, but for Caitlyn! Happy 10th Birthday, Caitlyn! (That's her Mama there, trying on some shoes for herself as well...)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


You know the saying: When life gives you lemons....

We have this puny little lemon tree in our back yard. I haven't taken care of it well enough for it to really produce, but it does have a few lemons on it. One day Dutch decided that he should have some lemonade. Now we have lived here for over 7 years but this is the first time he has paid any attention to this tree and its fruit!

We love sitting in our backyard. Don't let the heavy jacket fool you! It was quite warm when this picture was taken but DUtch is always cold and loves to wear his battered old jacket.
There is a "forever" view and the birds catch an updraft right beyond our fence and we can watch them soar! It is so interesting to see them glide with the wind, often not even moving a feather.

When our 7 year old son lay dieing (how DO you spell that???) there was a storm outside our window and to pass the time I talked with him about how the birds must have to fight to stay aloft in that wind. He answered: "They are not fighting, they are just sailing along with the wind!" Funny how now, again we love to watch the birds just sailing along with the wind.