Monday, November 10, 2008

To Plan or Not to Plan.....

OK, so I was looking for a picture of a bathroom but I can only find this one of our broken toilet.
When I talk about planning I mean Dutch's future care needs. When we were caring for his mother, we ripped out the shower in the downstairs bathroom and put in a better one, complete with a seat for her to sit on, handle bars to grab on to and a shower curtain rather than doors so we could help her better. When my brother was caring for our mother, he too was making changes to the bathroom to accommodate her needs.
Sounds like a good plan, doesn't it? Not to my husband it doesn't!! At this point he doesn't see the need. Planning for more dependency takes away hope. So I fly by his wingtip, trusting that God will do the planning for me and that it will fall into place when the time comes. The Lord is my refuge and my strength. In whom then shall I be afraid..... (I add: of WHAT then shall I be afraid...)

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