Thirty Four Years ago, our son Todd went to be with the Lord. I just remembered a peom I wrote sometime before he left when I was so keenly aware of how short and limited our time on earth together would be. Here it is again as Dutch and I cherish our days together.
There is a song that goes:
"If Jesus comes tomorrow, we’ve got just one more day!"
A week ago they said Todd had two weeks left. But whether Jesus comes, or we go, we’ve all got just one more day because we have no guarantee for even a minute.
How different would we live ("Take up your cross and follow me"), love, and forgive, if we kept in mind that if Jesus comes tomorrow, then we’ve got just one more day!
There are so many yet to be told of our Lord’s love and gift of salvation, so many to be helped, led to the well that never will run dry- people contacted, smiles given, priorities felt, lessons learned and shared.
But if Jesus comes tomorrow,
we’ve got just one more day. Jesus said, "Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth" (
Rev. 3:15-16)
Did we do all we could, or are there things left to be done?
Because: If Jesus comes tomorrow, then we’ve got just one more day!
How many times would we tell our kids, husbands, wives, or parents, "I love you- I’m thankful God gave you to me," if we knew we had just one more day?
Our stomachs are full and we plan progressive dinners while charitable organizations need food to give to the starving.
If Jesus comes tomorrow…..
We forget that Jesus died for us. We forget that God stood by and did nothing while Jesus paid for our sins. We forget there are so many people who don’t know about the gift of life.
If Jesus comes tomorrow!
We busy ourselves with life and drown out our feelings and the voice that said:
"Behold! I stand at the door and knock."
Yet, if Jesus comes tomorrow, then we’ve got just one more day!